The Parish of Barbourne St Stephen Praising God & Serving the Community
The Parish of Barbourne St StephenPraising God & Serving the Community

Contact us at:


St. Stephen's Church

St. Stephen's Street

Worcester WR3 7HS

Please do not send important correspondance to the church as we have no postal box, please email for alternative address if required.


Please note that these are all personal phone numbers.  

There is no phone in the church.


Reverend Lindsey Coulthard          

Priest in Charge

Tel: 07879 366294  



Ruth Scotson

Tel: 07971 430758



Kevin Maltby

Tel: 07891 386063



Michelle Walsh

Parish Administrator 
Tel: 07961 097497  





Weekly Notices

Weekly Notices for Sunday 19th January

Weekly Notices - 19th January
Weekly Notices 19th January.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [360.7 KB]

Every week we produce a sheet that details all the events and notices in St Stephens parish. 

These sheets are also put here on the website as soon as they have been produced. Therefore you can get the latest information about what is going on from the notice sheet.


You may like to find a pewsheet from the past, these can be found in our Archived Notice Sheets

Diocesan Autumn Training and Learning Programme

Diocesan Autumn Training and Learning Programme
Adobe Acrobat document [730.3 KB]

Futher Notices & Upcoming events


Here are a few of the items currently needed.

PASTA, TINNED MEAT, TINNED Fish, Tinned FRUIT, TINNED RICE, Long Life fruit juice, LONG-LIFE MILK, tea bags, instant coffee, cooking oil, Toilet Rolls, Soap

For the full shopping list please visit;

There is a Foodbank collection box at the back of church for any donated items.

Foodbank – New!

Want to support our foodbank’s use the brilliant Give Today website to order the items we urgentlyneed - these will then be delivered straight to our door? Right now we need items including baked beans,apple juice and long-life milk. You can order any of theseand more online ?


Further infomation can be found on thier website:

Please no food that needs refrigerating as the Foodbank can't accept it. 
The Foodbank are also grateful for money donations as this helps towards the rent and allows them to go and buy essentials if they run out of something.
They will also accept clean children's clothes.

Thank you for your continued support of local people in crisis.



InkRecycling: Ink Cartridge Recycling: Recycle Ink Cartridges for CashRecycle 4 Charity

We have put a box in the entrance area of the church for collecting used ink jet cartridges for the benefit of Christian Aid.  A contribution of £1.00 will be made to Christian Aid for each cartridge recycled.  Everyone is invited to drop off their old cartridges (and those of their friends), of any make. (Unfortunately, the scheme does not include laser or toner cartridges)




Parish Giving Scheme - Diocese of Worcester

A Better Way to Give Regularly to the Church

The Church of England has introduced a new Parish Giving Scheme (PGS), administered by a charity controlled by various Dioceses and based in Gloucester. The new scheme should be a win-win situation – better for givers, and better for the church. We are asking for a few people to sign-up initially, before we encourage more general take-up.

PGS collect regular donations on the First of the month by Direct Debit, and then on a monthly basis recover the associated Gift Aid if appropriate. The monies are paid over in full and the Diocese covers the cost.

The intention is to reduce the amount of administrative work done within the Parish. At present we have to record 81 standing orders each month and then complete a HMCE form to recover Gift Aid every quarter.

The Treasurer has set up his own payment with PGS and reports that it has run smoothly on the first two monthly payments PGS have collected!


There is a small supply of booklets at the back of Church. If you want to know more, speak to Andy or Richard Hemmings, or look at PGS’s website:


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© St. Stephens Church Worcester 2016