The Parish of Barbourne St Stephen Praising God & Serving the Community
The Parish of Barbourne St StephenPraising God & Serving the Community

Contact us at:


St. Stephen's Church

St. Stephen's Street

Worcester WR3 7HS

Please do not send important correspondance to the church as we have no postal box, please email for alternative address if required.


Please note that these are all personal phone numbers.  

There is no phone in the church.


Reverend Lindsey Coulthard          

Priest in Charge

Tel: 07879 366294  



Ruth Scotson

Tel: 07971 430758



Kevin Maltby

Tel: 07891 386063



Michelle Walsh

Parish Administrator 
Tel: 07961 097497  





Welcome to St. Stephen's Church in Worcester!



Latest Updates


  • Sunday Church services are currently being held at 8.00am 10.00am.
  • Sunday Stars: For young children and thier familes - 9.00 - 9.30am in the BA hall on the first Sunday of every month. (No service during August).
  • Thursday Church service - 10.00am communion. 
  • We will live-stream the Sunday 10.00am service on Zoom and hold addiitional mid-week Zoom services, as well as other on-line offerings.
    Please see Zoom services for times and further details.
    (If you would like to be admitted to a Zoom service please email Lindsey Coulthard or Michelle Walsh to register your interest)

  • Our Church is Open: Thursdays & Saturdays, 10.30am - 12.30pm.
    If you would like a chat with a cuppa or some quiet time on your own. All are welcome.

  • Daily Prayers - We will add a new prayer for each day.


Revd Lindsey Coulthard -


Michelle Walsh (Parish Administrator) -




Grateful Thanks  Rev'd Lindsey's Prayer Stool



Grateful thanks for your generous gift!

For those that weren't in church when I brought this beautiful prayer stool in to show you; here is an image of my purchase following my licensing and installation. 

It's seen many years of use and I'm very happy to add my knees (and prayers) to all those that have used it before me.


Thanks again,
Rev. Lindsey.



Compassionate Church update from Reverend Lindsey Coulthard.

Compassionate Church Update - April 2024
Compassionate Church April 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [63.3 KB]


A letter from Bishop John - May 2024

Retirement Letter from Bishop John
Retirement letter - May 2024_2.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [160.2 KB]




Parent/Carer Baby & Toddler Group 

We run weekly in term time.
1.30pm - 3.00pm.

After Half-term

Our last session before Half term is 21st March
We will resume on 11th April


     All welcome. We look forward to seeing you!



Work has begun on the next stage for a second classroom in Zambia!



Black Five Steam Engine.

Who knew we had a lady Steam Engine Driver in our midst at St. Stephen’s?

Karen Thorp is the proud owner and keeper of this beautiful engine which, when not in use on the Diglis track, has pride of place in her sitting room.

Why don’t you catch up with Karen after one of our services if you want to learn more about her enthusiasm for all things steam!


A Prayer for the people of Ukraine


Bishop John has called on all in our diocese to pray for the people of Ukraine and for peace, and for the leaders of the West as they deliberate on how to respond to the terrible unprovoked aggression of Russia. He has invited people to use this prayer from the Dean for public worship and private intercession:


Lord of all the earth, be present with the people of Ukraine at this time of danger, fear, and conflict. Grant that wise and peaceable counsels may yet prevail, and give to all suffering nations the freedom they desire and deserve. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Archbishop's of Canterbury and York Pastoral Letter

Ukraine Pastoral Letter
2022 02 24 ukraine pastoral letter from [...]
Adobe Acrobat document [360.8 KB]


A little something from 1928

A little piece of a recipe book complied by parishioners of St Pauls, Hockley, Birmingham. (1928)

A Good Hint


Take equal parts of kindness, unselfishness and thoughtfulness, mix in an atmosphere of love, add a spice of usefulness, scatter a few grains of cheerfulness, season with smiles, stir with a good laugh. Success is certain.

Shared by Alistair Morris, Parishioner of St Stephens.
(Nephew of Rev Canon Ralph Stevens of St Paul's, Hockley)


Worried? Need to Talk? If you do not feel safe, or you are worried that someone you know is not safe, click on the word "Safeguarding" at the top of this page for details of people you can call
If you are in danger (or know that someone else is) call the Police on 101.





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© St. Stephens Church Worcester 2016